Austrian movie actors deceased in Suicide

Here are 4 famous actors from Austria died in Suicide:

Walter Slezak

Walter Slezak (May 3, 1902 Vienna-April 21, 1983 Flower Hill) also known as Walt Slezak was an Austrian actor. He had three children, Leo Slezak, Erika Slezak and Ingrid Slezak.

Slezak was known for his distinctive voice and often played villainous characters in films such as "Lifeboat" and "The Princess and the Pirate". He began his acting career on stage in Vienna before moving to Hollywood in the 1930s. Slezak received critical acclaim for his work on Broadway, winning a Tony Award for his performance in "Fanny" in 1955. He also appeared in numerous television shows including "The Twilight Zone" and "The Love Boat". Later in life, Slezak retired from acting and became an artist, focusing on painting and sculpting.

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Ferdinand Raimund

Ferdinand Raimund (June 1, 1790 Vienna-September 5, 1836 Pottenstein) was an Austrian writer, actor and playwright.

He was particularly known for his plays which were humorous in nature and often dealt with the lives of common people. Raimund grew up in a poor family and had to work odd jobs to support himself before he became an actor. He eventually gained fame for his acting skills and joined a popular theater company. Raimund's plays were well received during his lifetime, but he tragically died at the age of 46 due to tuberculosis. Despite his short career, Raimund's contributions to Austrian theater and literature have had a lasting impact, with his works still being performed and studied today.

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Egon Friedell

Egon Friedell (January 21, 1878 Vienna-March 16, 1938 Vienna) was an Austrian writer, journalist and actor.

He began his career as an actor, but soon turned to writing and journalism. Friedell is best known for his cultural history book "Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit" (Cultural History of the Modern Era), which was published in 1927 and became an instant success. The book covers the period from the Renaissance to the outbreak of World War I and is known for its wit and humor. Friedell was also a regular contributor to various newspapers and magazines, and was a popular lecturer and performer. He was a prominent figure in Vienna's intellectual and cultural circles, and his work had a significant influence on Austrian literature and culture. Sadly, Friedell died by suicide shortly after the Anschluss, when the Nazis took control of Austria.

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Konrad Bayer

Konrad Bayer (December 17, 1932 Vienna-October 10, 1964 Vienna) was an Austrian actor, writer and screenwriter.

Bayer was one of the founders of the Viennese literary group "Wiener Gruppe" (Vienna Group), which was associated with the avant-garde movement. He is considered one of the most important representatives of Austrian literature of the 20th century. In his works, Bayer experimented with language and explored the limits of language in literature. His works often feature absurdist and surreal elements, and are known for their dark humor and social commentary. Bayer's most famous works include the play "Der Kopf des Vitus Bering" (The Head of Vitus Bering) and the novel "Unter Einbeziehung einer Hundertschaft von Maschinengewehren" (Including a Hundred Machine Guns). Despite his relatively short career, Bayer's influence on Austrian and European literature was significant.

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