Burkinabe musicians died at 37

Here are 1 famous musicians from Burkina Faso died at 37:

Thomas Sankara

Thomas Sankara (December 21, 1949 Yako-October 15, 1987 Ouagadougou) was a Burkinabe politician. He had two children, Philippe Sankara and Auguste Sankara.

Sankara was known for advocating for Pan-Africanism, anti-imperialism, and socialism. He became the president of Burkina Faso in 1983 after a military coup, and within his four-year presidency, he implemented major social, economic, and political reforms. These reforms included land redistribution, the promotion of women's rights, the abolition of forced marriages and female genital mutilation, free healthcare, and education.

Sankara also fought against corruption, declaring it a major obstacle to development. He set an example of austerity by driving an old Renault and opting out of the lavish lifestyles of other African rulers.

Sankara's revolutionary policies caught the attention of several Western powers, who saw him as a threat to their interests in Africa. In 1987, he was assassinated in a military coup that was allegedly supported by France and other Western powers. Despite his short presidency, Sankara's legacy as a pan-Africanist who fought for the rights of the poor and marginalized has continued to inspire social justice movements in Burkina Faso and beyond.

Sankara was born in a small village in northern Burkina Faso, then known as Upper Volta, during the French colonial period. He attended school in Bobo-Dioulasso and later went to Madagascar to join military training. After returning from Madagascar, he became a prominent military leader and was involved in several civil uprisings. In 1983, Sankara led a successful coup against the government of President Jean-Baptiste Ouedraogo and assumed power as the president of Burkina Faso.

As a young leader, Sankara was able to communicate with Burkinabe people using their own language, Moore, and was known for his inspiring speeches. He believed that Burkina Faso could achieve self-sufficiency and end its dependency on foreign aid. Sankara's policies focused on promoting local industries and agriculture, and he encouraged citizens to take a more active role in the development of their country.

Sankara's commitment to social justice and women's rights was evident in the policies that he introduced during his presidency. He increased the representation of women in government and ensured that girls had access to education. He also promoted family planning and made contraception widely available.

Outside Burkina Faso, Sankara was a well-respected figure in the Pan-Africanist movement. He advocated for the development of a strong African Union and opposed neo-colonialism and Western interference in African politics.

Despite his controversial policies and the criticism he received from some Western powers, Sankara remains a hero for many in Burkina Faso and across Africa. His legacy as a leader who fought for the rights of the poor and marginalized continues to inspire generations of people to fight for social justice and equality.

He died caused by assassination.

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