Danish movie stars born in 1955

Here are 6 famous actors from Denmark were born in 1955:

Søren Pilmark

Søren Pilmark (October 16, 1955 Copenhagen-) also known as Søren Louis Pilmark or Soren Pilmark is a Danish screenwriter, actor and musician. He has three children, Louis Pilmark, Anton Pilmark and Amanda Pilmark.

Pilmark began his career as a musician, playing bass guitar in various bands in the 1970s. He later transitioned to acting, appearing in a variety of TV shows and films throughout the 1980s and 1990s. He is best known for his roles in the Danish films "The Green Butchers" and "Italian for Beginners", both of which were critically acclaimed and received several international awards.

In addition to his acting career, Pilmark is also a prolific screenwriter. He has written several scripts for films and TV shows, including the popular Danish crime drama "The Killing". Pilmark is known for his dry wit and often writes darkly comedic material.

Outside of his work in the entertainment industry, Pilmark is actively involved in environmental and political causes. He has been a vocal advocate for sustainable living practices and has been recognized for his contributions to the fight against climate change.

Overall, Søren Pilmark is a multifaceted talent who has made a significant impact on the Danish entertainment industry and beyond.

Søren Sætter-Lassen

Søren Sætter-Lassen (July 11, 1955 Horsens-) a.k.a. Søren Sætter Lassen, Søren Sætter, Søren Sætter Larsen or Søren Sætter-Larsen is a Danish actor. He has one child, Jens Frederik Sætter-Lassen.

Søren Sætter-Lassen is a well-known Danish actor who has worked in both film and television industries. He began his acting career in 1981 with the film "Midt om natten" and has since then appeared in numerous Danish films including "Kærlighed ved første hik," "Drengene fra Sankt Petri," "Festen," and "Brodre." He has also worked in international productions including the British series "Rome" and the German series "Babylon Berlin."

Apart from his movie roles, Søren Sætter-Lassen has also worked in several TV series and dramas, including "Rejseholdet," "Edderkoppen," and "Badehotellet." He has received several nominations for his performances, including a nomination for the Robert Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the film "To Verdener."

In addition to his acting career, Søren Sætter-Lassen is also a popular voice actor and has dubbed several Hollywood films into Danish, including "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Big Lebowski." He is also a well-known narrator for audiobooks and has lent his voice to several Danish audiobooks.

Søren Sætter-Lassen remains a popular figure in Danish cinema and continues to work on new projects.

Ole Stephensen

Ole Stephensen (October 26, 1955 Denmark-) is a Danish screenwriter and actor.

He is known for his work in various Danish TV series and movies, including the hit TV comedy show "Casper og Mandrilaftalen" which he co-created and co-wrote. Stephensen began his career as a journalist, working for various newspapers and radio stations in Denmark before making the transition to screenwriting and acting in the 1990s. He has received numerous awards for his work, including four Danish Film Academy Awards and two Robert Awards. In addition to his work in the entertainment industry, Stephensen is also known for his activism on environmental issues and has served as a spokesperson for various environmental organizations in Denmark.

Morten Suurballe

Morten Suurballe (March 8, 1955 Copenhagen-) a.k.a. Morten Suuhrballe or Morten Sasse Suurballe is a Danish actor. He has two children, Amalie Suurballe Wieth and Johan Suurballe Wieth.

Morten Suurballe received his acting training at the Statens Teaterskole in Copenhagen. He made his professional debut in 1982 at the Royal Danish Theatre and quickly established himself as a versatile and dynamic performer. Suurballe has appeared in a wide variety of film, television and stage productions including the popular Danish TV series "The Killing" in which he played Lennart Brix.

In addition to his acting work, Morten Suurballe is also known for his work as a director and has directed several theatrical productions in Denmark. He is also an active supporter of various charities and is particularly involved in the fight against climate change.

Suurballe has won several awards throughout his career, including the prestigious Reumert Award for Best Supporting Actor in 2003 for his performance in "The Three Musketeers". He continues to be a prominent figure in Danish entertainment and is highly respected for his contributions to the arts.

Kristian Halken

Kristian Halken (April 3, 1955 Horsens-) is a Danish actor.

He studied at the Danish National School of Theatre from 1978-1982 and has since become a prominent actor in Danish cinema and television. Halken is known for his roles in films such as "Babette's Feast" (1987), "The Kingdom" (1994), and "In China They Eat Dogs" (1999). He has also appeared in several TV series, including "The Spiral" (2005) and "The Killing" (2007). In addition to his acting career, Halken has worked as a voice actor, dubbing foreign films into Danish.

Henrik Koefoed

Henrik Koefoed (November 25, 1955 Vordingborg Municipality-) a.k.a. Henrik Kofoed, Ørkenens sønner, Ørkenes sønner or Yassirfir Dosirfem is a Danish actor and screenwriter.

Henrik Koefoed studied acting at the Aarhus Theatre School from 1979 to 1982. He began his professional acting career in the mid-1980s, working with both film and theater. He is best known for his comedic roles and contributions, having co-founded the successful Danish comedy troupe Ørkenens Sønner in 1991. The group has produced several popular shows which have been performed extensively in Denmark and internationally.

In addition to his work in comedy, Henrik Koefoed has also appeared in various serious acting roles over the years. These include performing in published works, such as his stage portrayal of Victor Franz in Arthur Miller's 'The Price' in 2015. He is the recipient of both the Reumert Prize for Best Male Leading Role in 2004 and the Kjeld Abell Prize in 2015.

Henrik Koefoed has also been involved in screenwriting for television and film, serving as a writer for several Danish comedy shows and films. He has also authored books and essays, many reflecting on his experiences in the comedy industry.

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