Iraqi music stars who deceased at age 69

Here are 2 famous musicians from Iraq died at 69:

Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi

Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (April 5, 1162 Baghdad-November 9, 1231 Baghdad) was an Iraqi writer, physician and scientist.

He was most known for his works in medicine, particularly in ophthalmology, and his writings on nature and history. Al-Baghdadi was a prolific author with over 70 works attributed to him, though only a few have survived.

His most notable works include "Kitab al-Mukhtar fi al-aghdhiya wal-dawa," a book on medicine and pharmacology, and "Tasrif al-sin'a al-tibbiyya," a comprehensive medical encyclopedia in 30 volumes that was widely translated and used across the Islamic world.

In addition to his contributions to medicine, al-Baghdadi was also a naturalist and historian. He is remembered for his descriptions of flora and fauna in the Near East and his observations on the geology and geography of the region.

Al-Baghdadi's legacy as a scholar and scientist continues to be recognized today, and he is considered one of the most important thinkers of the Islamic Golden Age.

Al-Baghdadi was born in a family of scholars and was educated in Baghdad, where he also practiced medicine. He was known for his expertise in ophthalmology and often treated high-ranking officials and nobles. Al-Baghdadi's medical works were widely read and influenced medical practices across the Islamic world for centuries.

Aside from his contributions to medicine, Al-Baghdadi was also interested in history and natural sciences. He traveled extensively throughout the Near East, documenting the flora and fauna he encountered and writing about the geography of the region. He was among the first scholars to describe the use of magnetism in navigation, and his writings on earthquakes and volcanoes were groundbreaking for their time.

In addition to his scholarly pursuits, Al-Baghdadi was also involved in politics and was known for his support of the Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad. He was offered prominent government positions but declined, preferring to devote his time to scholarship.

Al-Baghdadi's works were later translated into Latin and influenced European scientific thought during the Renaissance. Today, he is remembered as a pioneer of modern medicine and a prominent figure in the field of Islamic scholarship.

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Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein (April 28, 1937 Al-Awja-December 30, 2006 Kadhimiya) otherwise known as Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, Ṣaddām Ḥusayn ʿAbd al-Maǧīd al-Tikrītī or صدام حسين عبد المجيد التكريتي was an Iraqi writer, politician and party leader. He had five children, Uday Hussein, Qusay Hussein, Raghad Hussein, Rana Hussein and Hala Hussein.

Saddam Hussein began his political career in the 1950s, joining the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party in Iraq. He became President of Iraq in 1979, and under his regime, the country became involved in the Iran-Iraq War and the Gulf War. Hussein was known for his aggressive policies towards neighboring countries, as well as for his brutal treatment of political dissidents and minority groups within Iraq. In 2003, Hussein was ousted from power by the United States during the Iraq War and was later captured and tried for crimes against humanity. He was found guilty and subsequently executed by hanging in December 2006. Despite his many controversies, Hussein remains a prominent figure in Iraqi history and politics.

During his time in power, Saddam Hussein was responsible for implementing many social welfare programs, including providing free education and healthcare for all Iraqis. He also oversaw the development of the country's infrastructure, with investments made in transportation, housing, and industry. However, his regime was also infamous for its human rights abuses, including the use of torture and execution against political opponents and religious minorities. Additionally, many Western countries accused Hussein of pursuing a program to develop weapons of mass destruction, which was used as a justification for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Hussein continued to be a controversial figure even after his death, with some Iraqis viewing him as a hero who stood up to Western imperialism, while others see him as a dictator who caused great harm to his own people.

He died in hanging.

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