Italian musicians died when they were 37

Here are 4 famous musicians from Italy died at 37:


Raphael (April 5, 1483 Urbino-April 6, 1520 Rome) otherwise known as Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino was an Italian painter, artist, architect and visual artist.

Considered one of the greatest artists of all time, Raphael was known for his use of perspective and the use of vivid colors that created a sense of depth in his paintings. During his lifetime, he was renowned for his frescoes in the Vatican Palace, which included the famous School of Athens. He was a master of the Renaissance style of painting and was known for his ability to capture the grace and beauty of the human form. In addition to his paintings, he also worked as an architect and was responsible for designing several important buildings in Rome, including the Chigi Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo. Despite his short life, Raphael's artistic legacy has continued to inspire generations of artists and art enthusiasts around the world.

As a child, Raphael showed an immense talent for the arts and was trained by his father, who was a painter himself. Later on, he worked under the famous painter Perugino in Florence, where he honed his skills and mastered the use of perspective in his paintings. In addition to his works in the Vatican Palace, Raphael was also commissioned to create paintings and frescoes for other important institutions such as the Farnesina Palace, Villa Madama, and the Church of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome.

He was not only recognized for his artistic talents but also for his charming personality, which earned him many influential friends and patrons, including Pope Julius II, who commissioned him to paint the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican. In addition, Raphael was also known for his romantic affairs, particularly with his mistress Margherita Luti, who was immortalized in many of his paintings.

Raphael's influence on the world of art cannot be overstated, and his works continue to be admired and studied to this day. He died at a young age of 37, possibly due to an infection contracted from excessive love-making, leaving behind a legacy that has influenced Western art for centuries.

Despite his short life, Raphael's artistic career was so prolific that he left an indelible mark on the art world. Beyond his famous paintings, he was also known for his sketches and drawings, which provided a glimpse into the creative process of one of the most talented artists of the Renaissance. His influence on art was felt not just in Italy, but throughout Europe, and his innovations in the use of color, composition, and perspective have left a lasting impact on generations of artists.

Raphael's legacy has also been felt outside of the art world. His works have been the subject of countless reproductions and imitations, and his name has been invoked in literature, music, and even politics. In his own time, he was celebrated for his ability to capture the ideals of beauty and perfection that were at the heart of the Renaissance, and his legacy continues to inspire artists and art lovers alike.

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Taddeo Zuccari

Taddeo Zuccari (September 1, 1529 Urbino-September 2, 1566 Rome) was an Italian personality.

He was primarily known for his work as a painter and architect during the late Renaissance period. Zuccari was initially trained as a painter by his older brother, Federico Zuccari, and later worked for the Cardinal Alessandro Farnese. He eventually became a prominent artist in his own right and was commissioned for numerous works, such as the frescos in the Oratorio del Gonfalone and the cupola of Sant'Andrea della Valle in Rome. Zuccari was also involved in architectural projects, including the design of the Villa Farnese at Caprarola. His style was heavily influenced by contemporary artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael, but he also incorporated his own personal flair into his work. Despite his reputation as a talented artist, Zuccari faced criticism during his career for alleged plagiarism and arrogance. He died at the age of 37, leaving behind a legacy as a prominent figure of the late Renaissance period.

Zuccari also traveled extensively throughout Italy, studying the works of other artists and leaving his own mark on cities such as Florence and Venice. He was a member of the Accademia di San Luca, an influential association of artists founded in Rome in 1577, and was well-respected by his peers.

In addition to his artistic pursuits, Zuccari was also interested in the study of alchemy and wrote a treatise on the subject titled "L'Alchemia." He was reportedly a complex and enigmatic figure, known for his flamboyant personality and his passion for his art.

Despite his early death, Zuccari's work continued to be influential in Italian art for centuries, and he is remembered today as one of the great artists of the Renaissance period. His legacy can be seen not only in his own works but in those of other artists who were influenced by his style and techniques.

Zuccari's legacy also extends to his contributions to the development of Mannerism, a style marked by its sophisticated elegance and emphasis on virtuosity in the handling of form and composition. His work also played a role in the emergence of Baroque art in Italy, which would dominate the artistic landscape in the following centuries. Zuccari's impact on architecture is notable as well, particularly in his involvement in the design and construction of the Palazzo Zuccari in Rome, an iconic building that stands as a testament to his vision and talent. Additionally, his work as a designer and decorator for important patrons such as Pope Gregory XIII and the Medici family helped to elevate the status of artists during his time and paved the way for future artists to gain recognition and respect.

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Parmigianino (January 11, 1503 Parma-August 24, 1540 Casalmaggiore) was an Italian personality.

Parmigianino, whose real name was Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola, was a painter and printmaker of the High Renaissance. He was born in Parma, Italy in 1503 and was the son of a painter. At a young age, he showed a keen interest in art and pursued his passion by studying under various artists in his town. His work was heavily influenced by the likes of Correggio, Raphael, and Michelangelo.

Parmigianino was most well-known for his portraits and religious paintings, which were often characterized by their elongated forms and graceful style. Some of his most famous works include The Madonna with the Long Neck and Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror.

Despite being a talented artist, Parmigianino faced many challenges throughout his life. He struggled with financial difficulties and was known to be temperamental and difficult to work with. He also suffered from a physical deformity in his right hand, which made painting and drawing more difficult.

Parmigianino passed away in 1540 at the young age of 37. Despite his short career, his influence on art continues to be felt today, and his works can be found in many famous museums and galleries around the world.

In addition to his painting and printmaking, Parmigianino was also known for his skills in etching and engraving. He produced some of the earliest etchings in Italy and his technical innovations in the medium would go on to influence many artists after him. Parmigianino's work also had a significant impact on the Mannerist movement in art, which valued grace and elegance over naturalism and realism. His elongated forms and striking compositions would go on to inspire artists such as El Greco and Carracci. Despite facing financial difficulties during his life, Parmigianino was highly regarded by his contemporaries and his works were sought after by collectors and patrons. Today, his legacy lives on as one of the most important and influential Renaissance artists.

Parmigianino's love for art can be traced back to his childhood when he used to spend hours practicing drawing and painting. In 1521, he moved to Rome where he studied the works of Raphael and Michelangelo in the Vatican. He was deeply influenced by their techniques and developed his own style by using their methods of creating illusionary depth and tension in his paintings.

Parmigianino also had a great interest in classical art and this is evident in many of his works. He studied the works of ancient artists such as Apelles and Philoxenus and incorporated their techniques into his own art.

Despite the challenges he faced, Parmigianino continued to produce art until the end of his life. He left behind a large body of work including paintings, prints, and drawings that continue to be admired today. His influence on the art world can be seen in the works of many later artists, and he is considered to be one of the most important artists of the High Renaissance.

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Bartolomeo della Rocca

Bartolomeo della Rocca (March 19, 1467-September 9, 1504) was an Italian astrologer.

He was born in Vicenza and was the son of a physician. Bartolomeo della Rocca studied astronomy and astrology formally in Padua and held a chair of astronomy and astrology at the University of Pavia. He wrote several works on astrology including "Opus Aureum super totam Artem Electionis," which was published posthumously. He was also known for his horoscope predictions for various European rulers, including King Louis XII of France and Cesare Borgia. His work was highly respected during his time and he was often consulted by both commoners and nobles for astrological advice.

Bartolomeo della Rocca's expertise in astrology was not limited to horoscope predictions; he also contributed to the understanding of astronomy, particularly in the field of planetary motion. His work "Theorica Planetarum" explored the movements and motions of the planets.

In addition to his academic pursuits, Bartolomeo della Rocca was also involved in politics. He served as a diplomat for the Republic of Venice and was involved in negotiations with the French court. During his time as a diplomat, he worked to promote the interests of Venice and establish alliances with other European powers.

Bartolomeo della Rocca's contributions to the field of astrology and astronomy were significant during the Renaissance period, and his work continued to influence astrologers and astronomers for centuries to come.

Bartolomeo della Rocca also had a significant impact on the development of medical astrology. He believed that the position of the stars and planets at the time of a person's birth could indicate potential health issues or predispositions to certain illnesses. He wrote extensively on this topic and his work influenced other medical astrologers in Italy.

In addition to his academic and political pursuits, Bartolomeo della Rocca was also a skilled musician. He played several instruments and was known to use music in his astrological practice. He believed that certain musical notes and harmonies had a specific astrological significance and could be used to enhance the effects of astrological remedies.

After his untimely death at the age of 37, Bartolomeo della Rocca's work continued to be studied and followed by astrologers and astronomers. His contributions to the field of astrology and astronomy were significant during his time, and his writings continued to shape the way people thought about these subjects for centuries to come.

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