British music stars died at age 47

Here are 7 famous musicians from United Kingdom died at 47:

Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson

Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson (September 29, 1758 Burnham Thorpe-October 21, 1805 Cape Trafalgar) also known as Horatio Nelson Nelson was a British personality. He had one child, Horatia Nelson.

Horatio Nelson was a British naval officer who is considered to be one of the greatest commanders in the Royal Navy's history. He played a significant role in several naval battles, including the Battle of the Nile and the Battle of Copenhagen. However, he is most well-known for his victory in the Battle of Trafalgar, where he defeated the combined French and Spanish fleet, securing British control of the seas for the next century.

Nelson was known for his exceptional leadership and strategic abilities, as well as his courage and determination. He was acclaimed as a hero and became an important figure in British culture, with many monuments and public memorials built in his honor.

In addition to his military career, Nelson was also known for his personal life. He had a passionate and tumultuous affair with Emma, Lady Hamilton, which scandalized society at the time. He also had several close friendships with fellow officers and was known for his loyalty and generosity towards his sailors.

Nelson's death at the Battle of Trafalgar has become legend in British history. He was shot by a French marksman and died onboard his flagship, the HMS Victory. His last words, "Thank God, I have done my duty," have become famous and are still widely remembered today.

He died in firearm.

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William Jones

William Jones (September 28, 1746 London-April 27, 1794 Kolkata) was a British personality.

He was an influential mathematician and linguist, who made significant contributions to the fields of algebra and the study of ancient languages. Jones was particularly interested in Indian languages, and he is widely regarded as the founder of modern Indology. In addition to his scholarly pursuits, he was also a lawyer, serving as a judge in the Supreme Court of Bengal. Jones was a member of the Royal Society and received numerous awards and honors during his lifetime. His legacy continues to be celebrated in academic circles and his contributions to the advancement of knowledge are recognized as groundbreaking.

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Sir Ernest Shackleton

Sir Ernest Shackleton (February 15, 1874 Kilkea-January 5, 1922 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) also known as Ernest Henry Shackleton, Sir Shackleton Ernest Henry or Ernest Shackleton was a British explorer and sailor. He had three children, Edward Shackleton, Cecily Shackleton and Raymond Shackleton.

Shackleton is best known for his expedition to Antarctica on the ship Endurance in 1914. The ship became trapped in pack ice and ultimately sank, leaving the crew stranded on the ice for months. Shackleton famously led his men through perilous conditions and ensured their survival before embarking on a daring rescue mission. Despite the incredible hardship of the expedition, Shackleton's leadership ensured that all of his crew returned safely home. Shackleton also participated in several other polar expeditions and was widely admired for his bravery and resourcefulness.

He died caused by myocardial infarction.

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James Connolly

James Connolly (June 5, 1868 Cowgate-May 12, 1916 Kilmainham Gaol) was a British politician. He had two children, Roddy Connolly and Nora Connolly O'Brien.

However, he is best known as an Irish socialist and revolutionary, and one of the leaders of the Easter Rising in 1916. Connolly was born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland, to Irish immigrant parents, and he later moved to Dublin, where he became involved in leftist politics and the labor movement. He founded and edited a newspaper called The Workers' Republic, and was a key figure in the formation of the Irish Socialist Republican Party. Connolly believed in the need for a socialist revolution in Ireland in order to achieve true independence and freedom from British rule. He was one of the seven signatories of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic, and he played a central role in the fighting during the Easter Rising. Seriously injured, he was captured by the British and executed by firing squad. His execution, along with that of other leaders of the Rising, is widely regarded as a turning point in Irish history and helped foster a renewed desire for Irish independence.

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John Moore

John Moore (November 13, 1761 Glasgow-January 16, 1809 A Coruña) was a British personality.

He was a Scottish physician and writer who served as a surgeon during the American Revolutionary War and later in the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars. Moore is known for his novel "Zeluco," which was a bestseller and received critical acclaim. He also wrote several travelogues, including "A View of Society and Manners in Italy" and "Journal During a Residence in France." Moore was held in high esteem by his contemporaries for his wit, intelligence, and literary talent. However, he died at the age of 47 while serving with the British Army in Spain during the Peninsular War.

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Samuel Musgrave

Samuel Musgrave (September 29, 1732-July 5, 1780) was a British personality.

He was a physician, surgeon, and anatomist who is best known for his contributions in the field of surgery during the 18th century. He studied at the University of Edinburgh and later became a surgeon in the British Army. Musgrave authored several medical textbooks including "A Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Stones in the Kidneys" and "A Short Account of the Yellow Fever in Jamaica." He was also known for his controversial beliefs on anesthesia during surgery, suggesting that patients should not be sedated during operations. Musgrave's contributions have had a lasting impact on the field of surgery and medicine.

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James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope

James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope (April 5, 1673 Paris-February 5, 1721 Kingdom of Great Britain) was a British personality.

James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope was a prominent British statesman and soldier who served in the government of King George I. He began his military career as a soldier and fought in the Nine Years' War and the War of the Spanish Succession. He was later appointed as Secretary of State for the Southern Department, where he played a major role in British foreign policy during the early 18th century.

Stanhope was also a great advocate for the Hanoverian dynasty, and played a key role in the succession of King George I following the death of Queen Anne. He was created Earl Stanhope in 1717, in recognition of his services to the Crown. He was known for his intelligence and wit, as well as his political and military skills.

Stanhope also had a keen interest in science and education, and supported the founding of the Royal Society in 1721. He was also a great collector of books, and his extensive library was bequeathed to the University of Oxford upon his death.

He died as a result of stroke.

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