Italian actors died in Respiratory failure

Here are 3 famous actors from Italy died in Respiratory failure:

Gilberto Govi

Gilberto Govi (October 22, 1885 Genoa-April 28, 1966 Genoa) a.k.a. Amerigo Armando Govi or Amerigo Armando Gilberto Govi was an Italian actor and screenwriter.

He began his career in the early 1900s as a stage actor, performing in various theaters throughout Italy. In the 1920s, he transitioned to film and screenwriting, working on numerous Italian films of the era. Govi's most notable role was in the film "Sciuscià" (Shoeshine), directed by Vittorio De Sica in 1946, which won the Grand Prix du Festival International du Film at the Cannes Film Festival. Govi continued to act and write throughout the 1950s and 1960s, and is considered a pioneer of Italian cinema. Outside of his film career, he was also an accomplished painter and poet.

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Damiano Damiani

Damiano Damiani (July 23, 1922 Pasiano di Pordenone-March 7, 2013 Ripa) was an Italian screenwriter, film director, actor, writer, television director and production designer. His children are called Cristina Damiani, Sibilla Damiani and Francesco Damiani.

Damiani studied literature and philosophy before beginning his career in the film industry. He started out as a screenwriter, collaborating with some of Italy's greatest directors, such as Federico Fellini and Michelangelo Antonioni. His directorial debut came in 1959 with the film "Il rossetto", and he went on to direct over 50 films in his career.

One of his most famous works is the 1967 film "A Bullet for the General", a spaghetti western starring Gian Maria Volonté. The film was highly regarded for its political commentary and its portrayal of Mexican revolutionaries.

Damiani was also known for his work in television, directing several popular Italian TV shows. In addition to his work in the entertainment industry, Damiani was also a writer and painter.

Throughout his career, Damiani received numerous awards and accolades, including the Career Golden Lion at the 1991 Venice Film Festival. He will always be remembered as one of Italy's greatest filmmakers.

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Arduíno Colassanti

Arduíno Colassanti (February 15, 1936 Livorno-February 22, 2014 Niterói) a.k.a. Arduino Colasanti was an Italian actor and businessperson.

He moved to Brazil in his youth and became a naturalized Brazilian citizen. Colassanti was known for his work in Brazilian cinema, having appeared in more than 50 films. He was nominated for multiple awards throughout his career, including a Best Supporting Actor nomination at the Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro for his role in the film "Lavoura Arcaica".

Aside from his acting, Colassanti also founded a successful jewelry business with his wife, Sonia Bogner. The couple's designs were sold in high-end stores throughout Brazil and they were considered pioneers in the country's luxury jewelry industry. Despite his success in business, Colassanti continued to act throughout his life, appearing in his final film, "O Engenheiro", in 2013.

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