Turkish actors died in 1996

Here are 1 famous actors from Turkey died in 1996:

Zeki Müren

Zeki Müren (December 6, 1931 Bursa-September 24, 1996 İzmir) also known as Zeki Muren, Müren, Zeki or The Sun of Art was a Turkish singer, actor and composer.

He is considered one of the most prominent figures in Turkish music and culture, and often referred to as the "Maharaja of Turkish Music".

Müren began his music career in the 1950s and quickly gained popularity with his unique vocal style and flamboyant stage presence. He released over 600 songs throughout his career, many of which became classics in Turkish music.

In addition to his music career, Müren also had success as an actor, appearing in numerous films and television shows throughout the 1960s and 70s. He was also an accomplished painter and designer, creating many of his own album covers and stage costumes.

Müren's legacy continues to be celebrated in Turkey, and he remains a beloved figure in the country's cultural history.

Read more about Zeki Müren on Wikipedia »

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